Om oss

SRP, Svenska Räddningsprodukter AB is located in Sala , Sweden.

The company was founded in 2009 by the undersigned as the market could not offer rescue manikins for the needs of realistic training, such as smoke diving for the emergency services.

After many prototypes and tests a manikin was created that met the requirements in weight, function and durability, the result was the "Standard" rescue manikin! As the demand for really good and functional training dummies has increased, a number of models have been added for various training situations where there is a need to be able to train as realistically as possible, currently SRP offers training dummies for the military, healthcare, rescue service, police, sea rescue and more.

In 2022, the company started a completely new line producing training simulators for bleeding control. The company's great ambition and goal is to manufacture products that are as realistic as possible in order to prepare both professional emergency responders/military personnel and the civilian market for the ever-increasing unrest in our world.

SRP and its management are constantly working with the motto that you should be able to practice in such a realistic way that when you encounter the situation live, it feels like it's the "second time".

Svenska Räddningsprodukter AB is very proud of our genuine handmade simulators and training manikins that carry our logo "S R P", a hallmark of functionality, quality and durability! 

You are welcome to train realistically with us!

Fredrik Forsberg


Newspaper article about Svenska Räddningsprodukter: